We have a new ISP as of september 30th 2020.... 
Since 1996 I had this connection with this firm, but after 24 years, she could not satisfy me anymore, I had to get a fresh one.
It all started with the old telephone line, sticking it into a modem, let some program dail up, when the connection was made, startup a bulletinboard system software and started to wringle through information...
Thus came the time that the 'explorer' was not yet there, Netscape, IE, and a few more, battling for the best seat in the house, but we better not forget to disconnect...
The 'explorers' became more and more in the picture, and Internet was mostly text, pages of text, and a very few pictures... Of course pictures became more and more the base for internet, and after a few years, DSL came to our home. This was neat, not calling in but online 24/7.
Where were those modem days...... long time ago.......
So, from the first DSL to where we are now, close to Terabits speed, we all craved for more, much more.... and so the growth of the Internet became a fact.
You noticed I have no pictures from those days.... WHO HAS?????
Oh, I got a bunch CD's with spicy pictures, but those are no HD quality.... today, even commercial 18+ shit that is trown in your face is far better quality than those days of 320*200*16 ...
At least I have my connection on, MC runs smooth, and I hope you like it there too......