Anyway, if you run Spigot, Paper or if there is any other that can use Worldedit, you can restore chunks in your world to the aquatic level, if you have that version...
Want to restore? Simply type:
If you run into troubles, they can vary in:
Roads rails builds etc.. gone! |
Crashing your server |
Kicking you from game |
Just make sure you have a backup from where you can restore sections in the world, then you are ok! | If this happens and you have not noted where you were, you might find yourself in a bit of trouble: make sure to have a backup to restore that part and then try a smaller selection. | No worries here, go back in, do not move at all and just type /back (if you have that command configured) |
This is just one example of the difference, left is newly regenerated and right was the old part of that world. Somehow there was ocean instead of land....
Take notice of the updated action from 1.17 to 1.18, if you proceed doing this on an existing world, do remember that //regen calculates totally different map regeneration, it is a MOJANG thing that made this possible.
Instead of doing it their way, they could keep the worldseed for the existing world the same and only act upon the lower - newer- part of the world, but no! they decided it was impossible to keep it at that.
You with your existing worlds out there? BAD MOJA! That is Mojangs new slogan.
Want a work around? There is almost none, going temporarily back to 1.17 corrupts your world, want to only use a small part that needs regenerating? Yep, you guessed right, make a backup server with the plugins and the worldseed in 1.17 and not copying the world, just note down the coords and go there. That is what I should do.
Pity actually that this is not the first time that server owners had to scratch their heads over this idiotic thing, they only seem to be interested in the client side.
Minecraft servers on DRUIFJES.NL
T h e c h o i c e i s s i m p l e;
New Holland = a small world with lots of places
Amigos = the old Amigos.co.uk but kept alive
MIDGARD = a maverik in the group, will be changed...later
Fairall's World = Fairall rules here with her scepter!
New Holland Dynmap | New Holland Player Analytics |
Amigos Dynmap | Amigos Player Analytics |
Midgard Dynmap | Midgard Player Analytics |
Vote for Druifjes MC server
Hi everyone,
It was about time to get some things in order, so we actually made it all into a bungeecord server and the portal is the standard adress: DRUIFJES.NL
So now you don't have to remember where or when you were here (or there) but you can travel along servers (Pfffff, bragger, there's only two!) inside the druifjes domain....
(at this moment we are hard at work to get the portals working, have patience...)
Now, how we got this under control is one, finishing touch and actually make it ingame work is a whole other thing...
We agreed on using less instead of more plugins, so we want to make the portals, through which you must travel to the other worlds and server...
The hardware under this all is pushed to its max, and because it costs money to replace for far stronger, I, Mr_Killer01, am supervising the hardware, am paying for all this myself, every bit comes out of my pocket (not a big pocket) , otherwise I would have bought a Xenon for my server....
To end this you can donate to me, but I am not sure if I want this, exceptional guy hey? No, honesty is my thing, let those who want to donate send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., only then i can send a link. I don't want to feel responsible for the fact you people pay and expect something in return, that is why I am not putting the link here....
Thanks for understanding and visit.
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