How nice of you to read any of our stuff we put here...
I know that it is not the most popular place on the world wide web, but it is OUR place. Compared to everybody linking his whole propaganda material to a very very very rich dwarf's scrapbook, not gonna tell it by name here,
I think when you look at it, everybody needs to be there, well, we do not.
I think it is time we opened our eyes and mind, so lets take a closer look....
As I am writing this article, I have just finished updating all our servers, and keep in the back of my head the fact that MC 1.16 is on the way. That probably means that some plugins will fault and that the crazy-mill is gonna run overtime to make all those server owners who use those plugins (of course they do!) make their stand against the plugin buffs out there...
Sometimes I think, who needs the most credits/compliments on making and maintaining a certain plugin?
I can tell it is a lot of work, and the majority of MC-players don't even realize that...
Lets wait what Mojang throws at us.....
Hi all, and the few, it is time for an update, and let me tell you about that.
COVID-19 has yet not entered any of our worlds, so that is a good thing, but the villagers are still that stupid to roam around the area when they should be in bed at night.
So sometimes I re-populate a town, fix some roads, plant a few fences to make things look good, but I can't tell the villagers to go to their homes and sleep....
Rather safer than run from and being overrun by zombies either killing them or turn them into zombies, villagers are out of control, YET...
When you look at it, zombies are dead, dead means, no bodily function, why do they have to kill? when a cow holds more meat than a single villager, they still try to get to a tiny villager.
Why attack only villagers? are they dead-hungry? are they becoming carnivorous maneaters in the proces?
Well, enough to think about for the coming time, and if there is hope to tell Mojang that they have to make them either smarter or willing to listen to wise commands.
I still hope there will be sentries in the near future, when the arrowmaker and blacksmith are in a town, a sentry can be made... but now for something completely different!
We people of the planet Earth must survive this COVID-19 virus, and to those who work hard to take care of others in hospitals, ICU' s, mental homes and regular old-folks homes,
Thank you for all your input, hard and difficult work that you do for the community, all over the world. ...ehm real-world that is guys....
Keep social distancing of 1.5 meter, wash more often your hands, cough and sneeze in your elbow and respect each other, throw your garbage in a dumpster/trashbin etc. LIKE YOU LEARNED WHEN YOU WERE LITTLE!
- YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'ts here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a commotion, and it should, we finally saved enough money together to buy a (2nd hand) real HP ProLiant ML150 G6 with quadcore Xeon processor at 2.9 Ghz and 64 GB memory....
The time of having shut down minecraftservers (the software in this case) is very soon past tense.....
I managed to buy a great asset to our Minecraft worlds, and there is going to change a bit here and there in multi-worlds.
It has been since 1.13 that changes in the worlds were very big, namely the aquatic update for instance, and now the vil-pil- and ilagers... running around, I really had a hard time to keep the 2014 self build server up and running with only 8 gig ram.
In the new setting I think NewHolland eats 8 Gig only, Amigos 4 Gig and Midgard, if that is still the plan, also 4 Gig. Now we can slowly look at old worlds and decide what to keep and what to replace by new generated world.
Well, if noone is gonna say something, then i'm heading for a cup of coffee.....
Part.?...I have no clue!, but this is one of the exiting things happened the last few months. As per 2019 the server upgrade to 1.14 progressed, so is the 1.15 update slowly booking more succes in the world of MC server owners...
At least some people go with the flow, and that is only for the better..... or not?
The only 'NOT!' that I have witnessed is a fault in either Mojang or Spigotmc.... I can tell that in one of our worlds, Amigos, a world apart from others and maintained for years on an English server until the owner thought that it was enough.
In this world I came upon a sign telling that through updating the Spigot version then, some pictures made from maps were lost during this upgrade process...
It is not possible for me to pinpoint a victem in this area, so, I go again with the flow, and after thelast upgrade all other mapped pictures that were gracefully and sparkling fresh on the walls of Bunderburg's buildings, were now empty dull frames with no picture.....
Yes I also went to the github and complained about this, in the end starting an old 1.12.2 server with that world, showing the pics were there, the developers could not help.....
The sorry way to progress, but I can't blame them for wanting to go foreward, neither can they, and neither can the worlds that are upgraded to an unreversable upgraded world.
In two short words: A PITY!
So if you enter those worlds and stumble upon an empty looking wall, bare in mind that the cleaning lady wiped them clean per accident.....(-:
Yesterday februari 20 I heard from a good friend that Minecraft has another updated snapshot to try....
Although they said that the multiplayer login crash was solved, for the second time, it surely got a fraction further, but still crashed wholeheartedly!
Back to the drawing boards
Its all bubbles here and there.....